Common internship issues

Given limited, non-challenging tasks (e.g filing)

Talk to your supervisor or manager but it is important to be positive and constructive. Try volunteering to do different work or identify areas where you think you help would be appreciated.

Team not prepared for me being there

Ask to talk to your line manager, discuss and agree an appropriate plan. This could be a good opportunity for you to help shape your own experience, so think about your own objectives.

Dismissive colleagues or anti-intern atmosphere

If you feel you are being underestimated, avoid being defensive.  Have confidence in yourself and show them how useful you are. 

Change in objectives

Discuss with your supervisor or line manager. Being open to change and able to adapt to it is a transferable skill in itself, so try to make the most of it.

Team Members resent the competition!

Avoid being defensive. Be friendly, open and helpful. Show that you value their experience and support.

Feeling isolated

This is an opportunity to work on your networking skills, make an effort to talk to others either in your department or in another department. Join lunchtime or out of work activities. There may be other new recruits that  feel the same or have been in a similar situation.  Ask if you can be put in touch with them.

Feel out of your depth

Internships are a training situation and people will not necessarily expect you to be able to do everything straight away. Think about what training or development you may need. Talk to your line manager, colleague or mentor and discuss how you can be supported.

Personality clash

Remain professional - try and establish an acceptable working relationship.

Office Politics (no office required)

Remain professional. It is easy to say or do the wrong thing when in this situation so do not get drawn in.


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