WGI Shortlisting & Interview Process

You will be contacted directly by your host employer if shortlisted for an interview. WGI interviews will happen between 19 October and 10 November 2017.  Please refer to WGI homepage for full programme timeline

Once you are offered an internship by your host employer, you must communicate your acceptance in writing to the host employer - you may use the WGI Offer Acceptance Template and adapt as appropriate . You must do this as soon as possible to enable your host employer to submit their bid for WGI funding, which is allocated on a first come first served basis. If you have more than one application pending, ask for more time before accepting an offer whilst you continue the recruitment process for other applications.  More information is available on WGI Offer Acceptance, Appointment & Induction.

Important! Host employers are under no obligation to maintain their internship offer nor can they guarantee their internship offer to you if they do not receive WGI funding from the University of Warwick.  The decision whether your internship has managed to secure WGI funding will be communicated to host employers on Monday 27 November.

You have been invited to an Interview!

Well done! You clearly stood out from the crowd at the application stage. The resources here aim to help you ensure that you continue to stand out, for the right reasons, at interview too.

You may well be having a traditional face-to-face panel interview, but increasingly recruiters are conducting interviews by Skype and telephone too. The principles are the same whatever the scenario.


Before attending interview, it's important to ensure that you have a really good understanding of the particular role and organisation for which you've applied. Hints about what may be asked at interview can be garnered from the person specification and/or role description from your original application. Even if the job description is minimal, there should be clues to the competencies that they are looking for and you can expect them to want you to expand on this at your interview.

Refresh yourself on the information in the Applying for WGI Internship section, about how to tailor your responses to motivational and competency based questions, and make sure that you have strong examples prepared in advance with the CARE model.

Why not follow the careers blog where you will find useful articles on Interviews, including Help! I can't answer the question! and The psychology of job interviews - challenge your negative thinking to build your confidence?

Preparation for the Interview

Key tips for success

  • Prepare to tell the recruiter why you want to work within their organisation. What makes it differ from others in its sector and how do you fit their ethos?
  • Think in detail about how your experience to date equips you to do the job. Use examples from a range of experiences such as University life, work experience and volunteering/ Use the CARE model to help you articulate how your skills match the person specification.
  • Be prepared to expand on everything that you mentioned in your original application.
  • Research the organisation thoroughly, go beyond their own website if possible. Read relevant news stories and press releases, consult business databases and where possible actively network with company representatives, perhaps use LinkedIn 
  • Follow the organisation on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter for recent news.

It can be helpful to practice your interview technique. 

As a Warwick graduate, you can still access all of SCS services including face-to-face mock interviews – please book your appointment with Careers Guidance team (graduate myAdvantage login required: see here for details of how to register for a graduate login if you don't have one already).  On the day, you will need to print and bring along a hard copy of your application and the job description.

Skype or telephone mock interviews are available by booking similar appointment with the Careers Guidance Team.  Important: you must email careers@warwick.ac.uk to advise that your appointment (state time and day) will be via Skype or telephone, and attach a copy of your application and the job description.  This will enable the set-up of appropriate facilities for the mock interview appointment, which may not happen otherwise.   

On the Interview day


  • If you are having a Skype or video interview be sure that have the technology set up and are confident in using it. Ensure that you are in a quiet room with a professional background. 
  • If physically attending an interview, plan your route and transport options and ensure that you arrive promptly. Recruiters will not tolerate lateness.
  • Dress smartly and ensure that your appearance is tidy. Even if the company advocates a casual/informal dress code for it's employees, don't assume that this is appropriate at an interview, you don't work for them yet!

During the interview

  • First impressions really do count. Be confident when greeting your interviewer(s)
  • Don't let a friendly, informal interview style lull you into a false sense of security. Remain professional in your answers.
  • Be aware of body language, try to make contact with each person on the panel as you answer their questions.
  • Be positive in everything that you say. Don't make negative comments about previous employers, tutors or school. If asked for information about something that went wrong, say what you have learned from the experience and how you would handle it differently next time.
  • Use examples from different experiences.
  • Prepare some intelligent questions to ask the interviewer at the end.

Further Resources


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