Congratulations, you made a great application, were successful at interview and have secured an internship! So what now? What can you expect as an intern? What do you need to consider and how will you make sure that you get all that you can from the experience?

Here we aim to provide information to answer these questions. Read the Before, During and After sections and use the suggested techniques so that you have strategies in place for getting the most out every step of your internship journey. 

Use the Intern Guide: Getting the most out of your internship to help you prepare for your internship.  This will take you through each stage of your internship, identifying the key actions you should be taking and signposting you to relevant information.

You may also find it useful to browse our Making the Most of Work Experience Handbook

Why not follow the careers blog where you will find useful articles such as Turn the internship into a job offer and Converting an internship into a job offer. 
