Every workplace is different and will possess a unique culture that makes different demands on those who work there. The ability to “fit” within an organisation, an essential component to an employee’s success is becoming increasingly important in the recruitment process, so use your internship to notice your organisation’s culture, so you have something to compare other companies to.  Understanding the organisational culture and how it works and being sensitive to fellow colleagues will facilitate the success of your internship.

It is important to remember to be yourself!  To succeed in the long term, you need to find an environment in which you feel comfortable and relaxed.  Every organisation will provide a different working environment.  For your ongoing success you need to understand yourself and your needs as much as the cultural environment in which you work.



Below are some ideas that could help you understand and relate to a company’s culture:                                                                                                                                                                                  

  • REMEMBER – first impressions count!
  • Make a determined effort to mix with your colleagues – this will help you integrate more quickly and become an accepted member of the team. Try to learn a little bit about everyone.
  • Go out to lunch – and with different people each day. Barriers are often dropped outside of the workplace and you may learn something different, even if only in an hour.
  • Don’t be afraid to speak up – remember your colleagues are also getting to know you and how your role fits within their organization.
  • Observe your surroundings;
    1. How do colleagues react to things? Emotions reflect what is important to people
    2. What is displayed on bulletin boards and in communal areas?
    3. How do people communicate with each other? Is communication written, verbal, informal or formal, what tone does it take?
    4. How much interaction is there between colleagues?


Some helpful questions to ask colleagues include:

  • What would you tell someone about your organisation if they were to start working here?
  • What do you enjoy the most about working here?
  • What would you like to change about the organisation?
  • What is your favourite question to ask a candidate at an interview?
  • What personal strengths would you say are shared across the team?
  • How would you describe the culture of your organisation?
  • What advice would you offer to a new employee to help them settle in?


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