All WGI applications MUST be made using the WGI Application Form (downloadable below). You should save a fresh version of the Word document for each application that you make, so that you can refer back to your application if invited for interview.  Deadline for WGI applications: 5pm Wednesday 18 October.

Some employers may have additional application requests e.g. psychometric test or CV. Please check that you have attached all the employer’s application requirements and include your completed WGI Application Form.

As you are submitting the WGI application via email, you can either make the Covering Letter as part of the body of the email; OR attach a separate Covering Letter document in the format of a ‘proper’ letter. Guidance on How to write a Covering Letter.

Email your application DIRECTLY to the host employer's email address - details can be found under “How to Apply” section at the bottom of the internship vacancy advert on myAdvantage. A full list of WGI vacancies can be viewed in Vacancies on myAdvantage (type in 'WGI' to search). 

You may find it useful to have the following documents to hand to help you complete the WGI Application Form: WGI internship advert; skills matrix downloadable from the individual WGI vacancy which describes the skills that you will be gaining from that particular internship; and your CV. Note: the skills matrix are different for each role. You will need to keep this for your records as it will also be used in the WGI induction programme.

For more assistance and full programme schedule, go back to homepage.

Once you are offered an internship by your host employer, you must communicate your acceptance in writing to the host employer - you may use the WGI Offer Acceptance Template (downloadable below) and adapt as appropriate . You must do this as soon as possible to enable your host employer to submit their bid for WGI funding, which is allocated on a first come first served basis. If you have more than one application pending, ask for more time before accepting an offer whilst you continue the recruitment process for other applications. Once you have accepted the offer via written confirmation the employer will contact us.

If you have been offered more than one internship, you must consider carefully, make your decision and accept only ONE offer. Once you have accepted an internship, you cannot withdraw in order to accept another WGI internship, although you may leave the internship (giving required notice) if you are accepted onto an external graduate programme or are offered a graduate job. Offers and acceptances are binding even if only spoken.

Note: Host employers are under no obligation to maintain their internship offer nor can they guarantee their internship offer to you if they do not receive WGI funding. Your delay in accepting an internship offer may affect whether your host employer is awarded funding to deliver the internship.