WGI Offer Acceptance, Appointment & Induction

Your host employer will contact you directly to let you know if you have been successful in your interview. If you have been offered more than one internships, make your decision and accept only ONE offer. Consider carefully.  If you decide not to accept an offer, you will not be able change your mind and go back to it later, as the offer will be given to another candidate.

If you have multiple applications or interviews, and decided to accept one of the offers, do inform the other employers that you have decided not to pursue your application with them. These employers will then be able to continue their recruitment process without having to take your application into consideration and offer their internship to your other fellow alumni.  It will also enable these employers to confirm their recruitment decision and secure their WGI funding as early as possible.

You must communicate your acceptance to a WGI internship offer in writing - you may use the WGI Offer Acceptance Template and adapt as required. Your host employer will use your written proof of acceptance to submit their bid for WGI funding, which is allocated on a first come first served basis.

Important! Host employers are under no obligation to maintain their internship offer nor can they guarantee their internship offer to you if they do not receive WGI funding from the University of Warwick. Your delay in accepting an internship offer may affect whether your host employer is awarded funding to deliver the internship, and consequently your opportunity to intern with them. The decision whether your internship has managed to secure funding from the University will be communicated to host employers on Monday 27 November.  

Seal the Internship

Once WGI funding is awarded (refer to programme timeline on WGI homepage) we will:

  • send WGI onternship documents for you to complete and return by Friday 8 December
  • send you the  WGI Intern Guide - Getting the most out of your internship
  • be available for email or phone consultation to resolve any queries you may have: placementlearning@warwick.ac.uk or 02476 151882




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