Intern Health & Safety Checklist

This checklist is designed to give you an understanding of the general health and safety compliance required an host organisation whilst you undertake your internship. You, the intern should be given health and safety guidance and training upon arrival (preferably on the first day) and throughout the internship, and be treated as any other employee in relation to health and safety matters.

Please notify the University of any aspects that require clarification and/or present potential Health and Safety risk through non-compliance. Necessary insurance covering Public Liability, licences, permits and consents etc. should be in place, by the organisation, for any work that the intern is required to do, and in relation to any place where that work is to be carried out.


Health & Safety Policy
You should be provided a copy and briefed on your host organisation’s Health and Safety Policy, and be made aware of any potential hazards and special safety requirements e.g. protective equipment that may need to worn.


Fire, Fire Warden & Evacuation
Instructions on what to do in the event of a fire should be displayed on notice boards. You should be briefed by your host on who the Fire Warden is; what the alarm sounds like and where to congregate if it is necessary to evacuate the work place; and how to raise the alarm. You should not be asked to tackle a fire unless it is safe to do so, and have been trained on the use of a fire extinguisher. The appropriate fire extinguisher(s) should be in place and fire exits clearly marked.


Display Screen Equipment
If your role involves working at a computer, you should ensure that you use the correct posture when working e.g. elbows at 90 degrees. The screen should be placed to enable easy reading of text and be seated in an adjustable chair.


Accidents and First Aid
You should be briefed on how to report on any accidents or incidents, and the procedures in the event of an emergency. Make sure that you know who to contact in the event of an accident, and are aware of the First Aider and where the First Aid kit is held.


Manual Handling
If the role requires lifting of heavy objects, you should ensure that you do not lift more weight than you can manage. You should be able to seek help if the items are too heavy and be made aware of the appropriate method of safe lifting e.g. lifting with bent knees.


If you have a disability or you and/or the organisation feel that additional support is required for you to carry out the internship, please discuss this and bring it to the attention of the University (for managed internship programmes) if you feel it is required.


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