Research the Organisation to Optimise your Internship

Simple research into the organisation will help you to understand your employer and the industry better. Not only will this impress your employer, but also help you to learn about the job quickly, ensuring that you take full advantage of your experience, which is essential in a short term placement.

Research on your organisation will also highlight those areas where questions may need to be asked.

• What does this employer look for in an employee?
• What is the general state of the market in which it operates?
• How does the labour market affect this sector?
• Are there any specific health and safety issues I may need to consider?
• Is there any indication of how I could make a positive impact during my time in internship?
• Will I be able to meet my learning outcomes/ achieve my objectives in this internship?
• How will I get through the experience to ensure I make the most of it and get what I need?

Research should include web searches and not just the official company website. Find out how the organisation is mentioned and referred to by other organisations and in the wider business community. Investigate if the organisation has featured in the news recently or if they have won any awards or tendered for further work.

When looking at the possible opportunities during your internship, think:

• Where am I now?
• Where do I want to be?
• How do I get there?