
Congratulations! You have successfully completed your WGI internship!

We hope that the experience has enhanced your employability skills that will support the next stage of your career journey.

Before you depart for the next phase of your career, here are a few things you may want to consider before putting WGI to bed:

  • Log in to myAdvantage and complete the WGI Evaluation form– it is essential that you complete the evaluation form as your feedback will enable us to continue providing a high quality internship experience to future Warwick graduates, as you have enjoyed and benefited 
  • Write an email to thank your line manager and host organisation
  • Reflect on your WGI experience, taking note of all your achievements and challenges that you have overcome.  Record your reflection here on MyPortfolio.  Below are a few points to consider in your reflection.
    • The progress of your personal development and internship objectives, taking into consideration how this has changed from your initial application to completion of your internship
    • Whether any of your objectives changed along the way, and why
    • New skills you have learned, and existing skills that you have consolidated
    • What you have found easy and difficult
    • Any ways in which your ideas have changed
    • How the experience has influenced your career path/plan
    • Support required for your career ahead & how to access it

Further resources

  • Update your CV & LinkedIn profile – Tip: do you know that you can shorten/ personalize your LinkedIn URL? Click on the 'gear' icon next to your LinkedIn address in 'edit profile' page
  • You can continue to access career help via Student Careers & Skills e.g. careers guidance appointments, interview support and CV/application checks. As a Warwick graduate you can access these services in person, by email, telephone and skype. Either call 024 76524748 or email careers@warwick.ac.uk quoting your student ID.