The top 10 skills that'll get you a job when you graduate

With so many graduates now on the market, employers will look for evidence of skills and work experience, which will make you stand out from the crowd.

Why are skills important?

  • Skills make up who you are

  • Skills can help you to work out where you might fit in the world of work

  • Skills are often transferrable and can be used in a range of situations/ roles

  • Employers are interested in using your skills for their business

Take a look at 'The top 10 skills that'll get you a job when you graduate'from TARGETjobs to find out what recruiters are looking for.

Employability Development Profile

You can use the Warwick Employability Development Profile (EDP) worksheet/ tool to help you analyse your current level of skill and development needs.  The EDP Skills Directory provides a description of the skills listed in the worksheet/ tool.


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