A first night, not a dress rehearsal: professionalism during an internship

Your first forays into a professional working environment as a graduate can be unnerving.  Insecurities can set in:  How do I act?  Will I be treated as an adult, or the “new kid”?  Am I allowed to ask for help?

Professionalism, as a set of behaviours and values alongside your key employability skills, is your armour against these insecurities.  Acting professionally is vital to upholding your organisation’s standards and brand while avoiding embarrassment.   It is also your key to gaining the respect and support of your colleagues, with the sense of understanding and belonging that these bring. 

Longer-term, developing a reputation for professionalism can also be beneficial for your career.  In an environment of high stress or conflict, or where discretion is highly prized, showing that you understand how to behave appropriately will not go unnoticed.  It’s also good common sense.






Career portal, Monster, lists ten ways to behave professionally at work, adapted below. 

  • Competence: You have the skills and knowledge that enable you to do your job well. As an intern, your task may be to seek the right skills and knowledge out, then do a good job – this includes asking for help when you need it.
  • Reliability: People can depend on you to show up and submit work, on time.
  • Honesty: You tell the truth and are upfront about where things stand, including whether or not you understand a task. Take care not to be outspoken or rude, and be ready for any repercussions if offering criticism.
  • Integrity: You are known for your consistent principles.
  • Respect for Others: You treat everyone as if they matter. Grasping the preferred level of formality when speaking to your managers is a quick win.
  • Self-Upgrading: Seek ways to ensure that your skills and knowledge are current and relevant. As an intern, showing you are an eager, self-starting learner goes a long way.
  • Being Positive: Avoid pessimism. Having an upbeat “can-do” attitude and trying to be a problem-solver makes a big difference.
  • Supporting Others: You share the spotlight with colleagues and work well as part of your team.
  • Staying Work-Focused: Not letting your private life needlessly impact on your job.
  • Listening Carefully: You check understanding and give people a chance to be heard.

In reality, professionalism could be dictated by company policies (e.g. use of internet/social/ media/ mobile phone during work), the behaviour of senior members of staff (it could be important to sense-check whether you have chosen the right person to emulate!), or by the more intangible “culture” of your office or organisation (e.g. dress-code). 

Your team’s notion of professionalism will be more subtle.  For example, take note of colleagues’ disapproving comments or display of negative body language regarding someone’s behaviour - particularly regarding personal boundaries, communication with customers, or teamwork.

It’s important that you bring yourself up to date with any company policies, as non-compliance could result in dismissal.  Ask your line manager or HR department if you are not sure what applies to you, or where to find the information.  When you are on an internship, it’s important to run through a quick internal checklist that will immediately put you in the best position:

  • Who is my direct “boss”?  Who else has control of my workload/ line management?
  • Who will I work closely with?
  • What policies are in place that I might need to read through?
  • What are other people wearing and how are they behaving in their work areas?
  • When will I need to actively demonstrate my professionalism?
  • Who or what might tempt me to behave unprofessionally?


CV blogger Kate Seidametova, listed on resumark, notes some of the top behaviours to avoid:

Arguing or engaging in an open conflict with a co-worker: Disagreeing (when done respectfully and politely) is acceptable and can sometimes produce a more informed decision.  Use good judgment, do not cross the line and be mindful of your manners.

Dressing “too casually”: A sloppily dressed employee portrays the image of a disorganised and messy worker.  Dress professionally, especially if your boss is on a conservative side.

Making comments or jokes that could be offensive to others. Avoid references to anyone’s personal characteristics such as nationality, race, gender, appearance or religious beliefs at work.  Be careful not to be lulled by “office banter” – you’ll still be responsible for your own words.

Raising your voice or acting on emotions. If you’re an emotional person, try to take a break and calm down before having an important conversation. People often do and say things driven by a spur of the moment that they later regret.

Lying. Being deceitful or dishonest (including embellishing past experience, or covering for not having quite finished a task yet) will tarnish your reputation if you get caught.  It is not worth it.

Over time, you will begin to define your own idea of what constitutes professionalism, based on the behaviours you have seen in yourself and others, good and bad.  You will be influenced by the cultures that you have worked in, their level of formality and specific challenges.  Wherever you go, and wherever you end up, Kate’s final words on the subject make for a good mantra: “Professional behaviour is never having a need to prove that you are superior to anyone else”