With your line manager or supervisor you should set clear objectives at the start of your internship. This will allow you to maximise your learning experience and retain a focus on your long term career goals whilst making sure that you are meeting your hosts expectations of your output during your internship.

Clear objectives enable you to identify and plug skills gaps and fine tune the skills and experiences required to increase your graduate employability.

Keep a record of your progress and reflect on your ongoing experience - this will provide evidence to convince employers of your worth in applications and interviews. 

Types of objective

Targets - KPIs, cost reduction, sales, customer satisfaction, H&S, in budget, research related, teaching related

Tasks - to be completed by specific dates

Personal development - including skills/ knowledge and behaviours

Progress - related to new areas of work, improvement and change

Stretch - to maximize potential


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Goals vs Objectives?

Knowing where you want to end up is your goal

The steps that you take to get there are your objectives

Objective Setting to Foster Achievement

The purpose of setting an objective is to:

Provide – a clear plan of action to

Establish – the way in which it will be measured in order to

Achieve – strategic goals

Clarify – expectations to 

Ensure – alignment between personal and work objectives

SMART Objectives

Specific - written in terms of a clear end result

Ask yourself: "do I understand what I’m supposed to do?" 

Measurable - easy to assess when they have been achieved

Ask yourself: "how will I know and be able to show my manager that I have achieved it?" 

Achievable - aligned, jointly agreed by the reviewer and reviewee

Ask yourself: "do I have the resources, training and time to achieve this?" 

Realistic - attainable, sustainable, challenging

Ask yourself: "can it be done, and will I be able to do it?" 

Time-bound - with a deadline

Ask yourself: "when will this need to be done by, and why?" 

Examples of SMART Objectives

Task Objectives

By the end of week three, to have produced a benchmarking report of no more than 2000 words summarising the sector/market landscape as it pertains to the host organisation.

Behaviour Objectives

By the end of week two, to have three examples of when you resolved an issue by creating a solution yourself, then sense-checking it with a colleague.