

The following pages constitute the template for you to use to create your online logbook for ES327. You should copy the collection to your own Mahara portfolios then adapt them to form a record of your project progress and management. As you will see, there are many different pages as the management, running and recording of a project has many different facets. It is expected that by the end of the project you will have generated some content on all pages. It is also expected that you will generate some logbook content every week, though the volume  of this will fluctuate throughout the project. It is not expected that you will generate content on *every* page *every* week - the focus of your project management and reflection will vary depending on the phase of the project.

So that your project supervisor can view your project progress, as they would have done with a paper logbook, you will need to 'share' your portfolio with them. Instructions for this are provided online in the file linked below.

To ensure that you are keeping up to date, and to offer support to those who are identified as struggling, there will be random spot checks of progress by the Module Leader throughout the project. You should also note that Mahara timestamps your entries, so it will be visible to the marker when you created and edited your logbook entries - as such, please be timely and genuine in your use of the online logbook, do not just create everything at the end of the project.

Instructions about how to use Mahara are provided here. 

One parting top tip. DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING from Mahara unless you are absolutely sure you do not want it. Mahara has no 'rubbish bin' so deleted items cannot be retrieved.

You do not need to keep this page in your collection, and may wish to delete it prior to submission at the end of the project.