
I’m in my first year of the MRC DTP IBR course.

Academic background

I’ve done my undergraduate degree in Denmark studying Chemistry and Biotechnology consisting in 2.5 years of applied theory and 1.5 years of internship.

During my first year of internship, followed by one more year as a Research Technician at the University of Manchester (UK), I helped implement the lab-based studies of a Nondeterministic DNA Turing Machine (DTM) project and kept the Robot Scientist Eve in working order while performing mass drug screens, under the supervision of Prof Ross D King and Dr Philip J R Day. I have also contributed in developing GeneORator (final name TBC), a new faster, more cost effective and efficient method creating DNA libraries; Inventor, Dr Andrew Currin. Patent pending.

My bachelor thesis covered the last half year practical work of expressing fluorescent surface proteins in Staphylococcus epidermidis, based at the Aarhus University (DK).


  1. Computing exponentially faster: implementing a non-deterministic universal Turing machine using DNA. Currin A, Korovin K, Ababi, M, Roper K, Kell DB, Day PJ, King RD. J R Soc Interface. Mar;14(128) 2017. pii: 20160990. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2016.0990. 2017. Link:
  2. A large-scale mutagenesis study for the directed evolution of biocatalysts to increase Kcat. Currin A, Kwok J, Ababi M, Rowles I, Turner N and Kell DB. Submitted end June 2017. 


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